
Performance Metrics used in Design of Software Architecture

The software architect is the designated experts who are responsible for successful software or product development in term of definition, architectural design, delivery, and maintenance. While designing any software, one of the crucial skills of the architect is to design the architecture of the software by following different acceptable principles which would enable them to […]

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Performance Metrics used in Design of Software Architecture

How does React.js work?

React.js is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook. What is it for us and how does it work? React is a library written in JavaScript, developed by Facebook to facilitate the creation of interactive, reusable components for user interfaces. Put in use by Facebook for the production of components, and Instagram is written entirely in

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Reactjs GeeksProgramming

How and why to learn programming with JavaScript

Here is the right approach to start studying programming, with JavaScript as the first language. How to focus the learning of JavaScript and the become a frontend programmer in general? In this article, we aim to guide people who start studying Javascript and those who begin studying programming and want to approach this world using

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Why choose Javascript as first programming language

SOLID: 5 basic principles of Object Oriented Design

Solid is an acronym invented by Uncle Bob to establish the five basic principles of object – oriented design and programming. This acronym has enough relationship with design patterns, especially with high cohesion and low coupling. SOLID (single responsibility, open-closed, Liskov substitution, interface segregation and dependency inversion The goal of having a good programming design is to cover the maintenance phase. Which

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Code that doesn`t suck – How to write better Code

Anyone can learn to program, but not everyone can write better code. I start from this premise as an inspiration to write this article, as it has touched me sometimes continuously revising, editing, etc. or code that someone else wrote. On many occasions this experience has been disastrous, so I want to present this article that brings a

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write better code
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