Software Design Patterns – How, Where & Why to use

How could I miss a blog post explaining  software design patterns! This article will list the basic design patterns that exist, so you can read and understand how they work. But also, I wanted to tell you a little about what these software design patterns are and how can they make your day-to-day life easier. What are software […]

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Software Design Patterns

Programming Games in Python

Although not the most famous facet of Python, Python is a language with enough possibilities for programming games in python. On the one hand, it combines the depth and resources of using C / C ++ libraries, and on the other the ease of using Flash, with an average performance between the two. So many

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Python Game Development

What is the difference between Big Data and Business Intelligence?

Kenneth Cukier, world renowned for being a co-author of the book: “Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think” participated in TEDSalon Berlin 2014 in a conference called: Big Data is better data. [sc_youtube width=”800″ height=”600″ aspect_ratio=”16:9″ video_id=”8pHzROP1D-w” style=”default” position=”center”] Cukier began his lecture with an example of the power to analyze large

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SOLID: 5 basic principles of Object Oriented Design

Solid is an acronym invented by Uncle Bob to establish the five basic principles of object – oriented design and programming. This acronym has enough relationship with design patterns, especially with high cohesion and low coupling. SOLID (single responsibility, open-closed, Liskov substitution, interface segregation and dependency inversion The goal of having a good programming design is to cover the maintenance phase. Which

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